Thursday, April 12, 2012

It really is all about me, isn't it????

So I have debated and debated and debated and debated and even debated some more about whether to continue this blog or not... I even started this post on March 20th and here it is April 12th and I think I'm ready to post this... I started my blog way back when to talk about Neil's pre-kidney transplant issues because it was extremely stressful and it was a quick/easy way to keep everyone up to date on the transplant status.... Not everyone has Facebook so it was better than updating FB... well now that Neil is doing really well... really, really well with his new kidney (Thanks again to the wonderful Candy, who donated her kidney to him!!!) I wish I had a reason to NOT blog... but I do and is it ironic that it has to do with the very same concept that I started this blog, sickness and in health... ?????

Sadly, it is ME that is going through some rough sickness/health issues.... the hardest part is this has been going on since the fall... I think... I don't even really know when the symptoms truly started AND 'they' don't know what's wrong with me... :(

In a nutshell:
since october, i've had all over muscle twitching and muscle weakness in my hands/arms/legs and it's getting worse. The neurologist is not convinced that it's ALS nor is he convinced that it's not ALS... have had an EMG and having a repeat one on Friday to see if there's change. My 2nd opinion neuro doc blood tested me for Celiac Disease and it came back 'elevated' so I've been following a Gluten Free diet for a month and have digestively been A LOT better. I had a repeat blood test yesterday so I'm waiting for the results and I can't get into a GI doc until the end of June. I'm also awaiting an appointment with a neuro doc at OSU. My 1st neuro told me on Tuesday that he recently read an article where someone was diagnosed with ALS but it was wrong and was actually Celiac!!!

Soooooooooooooo, I'm very frustrated and am getting weaker and I'm hoping there's someone out there that can relate........?????